Running a business is NOT easy (watch if you are a new biz owner)

If you're thinking about starting a sports training business I want you to read this very very carefully. 

Everyday I get asked questions by coaches in all sports about how to start a training business specifically within their own sport. 

Most coaches want to have freedom and more flexibility within their own schedule and are currently looking to quit their current job and do this full time. 

When I first started my business I was also working a 9 to 5 job working for someone, and like many people I hated it! 

I hated doing it so much that this drove me to go full time with my own training business and I want to be completely upfront with you... It was hard! 

It still is very hard even to this day with so many years of experience. 

If you're in a position where you want to start your own business I want to let you know that NO ONE is going to give you the green light to start your business. Many coaches will send me messages saying asking me when should I start my own business?

My response to every coach that asks me is very simple... 

"If you are looking for permission to start your own business then I would recommend you just stop now". 

Most coaches think that by having your own business you will get to sleep in on Mondays and you will get to chill out with a latte and have very relaxed days. The truth is yes, you definitely can BUT you must still put the work in. 

A problem most coaches have is they get easily distracted during the day.. they might spend hours scrolling through Instagram and Twitter without getting any actual work done for the day. 

If you decide to start your own business and you go full time on it - I can assure you that your life will be 100% harder than it is working for someone else. No one is going to wake you up in the morning, and no one is going to make you successful. YOU have to work hard for it! 

I've been self-employed for over a decade and I will tell you it's absolutely hard and can you have freedom and flexibility?.. absolutely yes like a hundred percent you can but it will take you time. It might not happen in the first year and it may not even happen to you in the fifth year BUT it does happen and it will all depend on how serious and how hard you are willing to work for it. 

Some of the most successful coaches I'm working with right now I can promise you they're working way harder than you think and they may not be up every single day working very hard but they are focused and disciplined during the day when they are working. 

I hope this helps, 


- Ben 



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