After talking with 2,000+'s the 2 biggest business problems that most coaches have

Today I'm going to be going over the top two most common problems I see with coaches that have a business.

Now, this is not for you if you don't have a business yet but I do know some coaches may find this informative and they may start thinking about starting a business in the near future. 

In my consulting program I've already spoken with thousands of of guys and girls who have run into these two problems that I am about to share with you. 

Problem #1 - Price 

Most coaches I've talked to undervalue themselves so this means they charge a very small amount for a service that they could be charging more for and they compare their pricing to everybody else in their area. 

When you try and undercut your competitors by offering cheaper pricing you will attract cheaper clients. These clients will pay you less and take you less seriously which means you'll probably run into a lot of problems with them in the long...

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