Simple Business Ideas for Starting and Growing Sports Leagues

Hey what's up coach welcome back to the blog

Today, I want to talk to you about something a little bit different and I'm going to be walking you through an idea that I've already helped multiple sports coaches with over the last 5 years. 

If you currently have a sports coaching business and you are thinking of starting a sports league I want you to read this whole blog as I'm going to be sharing some really valuable information with you that I know will help. 


A very common type of business model I'm currently seeing in the sports training industry is small sided events.  

In soccer, these could be 3v3 or 4v4 type formats where you have multiple teams who play against each other once a week and are placed in a league table. If you're a basketball coach, this type of business model can work really well too. 


I'm not going to say the pricing is going to be uniform for everyone but I've seen this...

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