100 clients who pay $100/mo or 20 clients who pay $500/mo?

I have a question for you today..

Would you rather have 100 customers who pay you 100/month or 20 customers who pay you 500/month?

The reason I'm asking you that question is because a lot of coaches message me all the time asking how to get to 10k/year. 

Once I actually sit down with these coaches and break down their business piece by piece I find out that most coaches don't charge a premium for what they do. 

When I first started my business I didn't charge a premium either and it took me a while to build my confidence and push my pricing up.  

A lot of coaches think that all they need are hundreds of customers paying a small amount, but the truth is the more clients you add into your program the more clients you have to deal with every week.  

I want to shift your mindset to where you charge a premium price for your program and you only work with a small number of clients. 

I am a big believer that when you have less clients who pay you more...

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